Manufacturing Production Solutions
Cost Reduction – Avoid Landfill – Add Value to your Waste Streams.
MPS is a specialist industrial waste stream management company. We reduce costs associated with industrial waste streams by;-
- Landfill reduction or avoidance.
- “Recycle Matching” creating value in waste streams.
- Maximising collection, packaging and transport efficiencies.
Extensive Recycle Database to avoid landfill costs
MPS has a database of 6000 global specialist recycle routes facilitating accurate matching of ‘waste’ materials to possible recycle applications.
Industrial and Engineering Experience to develop new recycle routes
MPS Partners have extensive professional engineering and manufacturing experience that ensures excellent understanding of customer’s industrial processes.
By systematic and rapid “matching” of recyclable waste streams via their existing database routes MPS targets new opportunities for “unique” recycle partnerships to be rapidly developed for materials that have previously been land-filled.
With a basic recycle route established, MPS then continues to look for solutions that progressively increase income from the waste streams as opposed to paying landfill charges and landfill tax See case studies
Experienced, systematic and in depth focus.
With increasing pressure on limited internal resources to concentrate on the ‘core business’ most industrial companies don’t have the capability to implement a professional, systematic and detailed focus on their waste streams. MPS can provide this experienced service to assist in rapidly generating savings without detracting internal resource from the core business.
Comprehensive Waste Mapping and Process Analysis via ICR
MPS partner company, Industrial Cost Reduction Ltd (ICR) provide a range of additional advisory and support services to complement the MPS recycling and material handling activities.
ICR uses a range of specialist tools and processes to further assist companies in increasing the potential value of waste streams. These are typically applied to site industrial processes and include detailed site waste stream mapping, targeted on-site waste stream reduction projects and set up of waste measures and control processes for specific sites.
In most cases ICR projects are completed on a ‘self funding’ basis with the clients funding the work through the savings they make.
Full details of the range of ICR services and how these can be completed on a self funding basis see the ICR website