X-Ray Recycling


The Issues

  • On-site medical records take up valuable space.
  • Off-site medical records can be expensive to retrieve, even for disposal.
  • Medical records must be stored securely and safely.
  • Many trusts have 10,000s of records in storage beyond their ‘retain until’ date.
  • Disposal can be expensive and how can you be sure they are securely destroyed?

A major NHS Trust paid monthly storage fees but when files had expired and had to be destroyed following the retention policy;
BUT there were extra extraction costs, that had not been included in the budget.

The Solution

‘We needed to reduce our overall annual expenditure and we found MPS and saved over £18,000 a year in rental fees’

MPS are cost reduction specialists with a track record of working with healthcare providers to leverage the value of their x-rays by reducing or removing storage costs.

‘There were no costs to us and in fact we gained an income from the process’

How It Works

  1. An initial viability review and investigation into the financial potential.
  2. MPS take delivery of files from off-site storage to a secure location.
  3. MPS remove files from hospital’s on-site storage.
  4. Files are sorted in compliance with hospital information governance and medical records policy.
  5. Silver is recovered.
  6. Payment is sent to the trust.